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SEALTEK Solutions India Private Limited is for your industrial sealing needs. We are manufactures and suppliers of standard as well as customized sealing products; we are especially offer comprehensive & innovative sealing solutions and services to serve industries needs.

SEALTEK is a division of Nobel Engineers Pune, Nobel Engineers is founded in 2006 and it is one of the leading manufacturers & Supplier of all types of industrial gaskets and wire mesh filters.

Company is located at Pune, Maharashtra which is centre of India to serve the customers faster in all regions. The company is established on the strong pillars of more than two decade of experience in sealing industries, innovation and customize solutions.

SEALTEK is an authorized distributor of Triangle fluid Controls Limited for Durlon® Sealing Products for PAN India.

Our comprehensive Durlon® Product including Compressed Non-Asbestos Sheet Gaskets, Water/Sanitation NSF/ANSI 61 Gaskets, PTFE sheets Gaskets & Tape Flexible Graphite sheet gaskets, High Temperature gaskets, Low seating stress gaskets, Spiral wound gaskets, Kammprofile gaskets Metallic Gaskets (RTJ gaskets), Flange Isolation sealing kit gaskets 

Apart from Durlon® product range we manufacture Food grade & standard Rubber sheet Gaskets, Molded gaskets, Extruded profile gaskets, O-rings, cords, FEP-Encapsulated O-rings, Sanitary Hygienic Food Grade Rubber TC gaskets, Metal detectable rubber products, Graphite Tapes, Die-formed rings, Valve seat rings, PTFE machined products, Cork Gaskets, Ceramic fibre gaskets, Rotary seals and High temperature insulations.

Our aim is to offer Quality and innovative sealing products solutions to meets customer requirements and customer satisfaction hence we have dedicated application engineering team to study your applications and recommend best suitable sealing solutions.

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